Our Sunday Worship takes place at 10:00 am. All are warmly welcomed for a time of spiritual renewal as we worship in fellowship with our church family through music, prayer, and hearing the word.

Our weekly bulletin clearly outlines the liturgy of our worship, including congregational participation and times to stand during the service (if you are able). Large-print bulletins are available and the bulletins are shown through powerpoint on the screens.
Music is important in the life of our congregation and a powerful component of our worship. We use the United Church’s “Voices United” hymnbook, with a good supply of books with music, as well as those with larger print but without music. “More Voices” is a new resource for some great contemporary worship music and, with our wonderful leadership, we often sing in multi-part harmony with no music at all! Words to hymns are also printed in the “large-print” bulletins and on the power points.
Bible Readings
Sunday readings generally follow the Revised Common Lectionary. For information and study purposes, the readings for the coming week are printed in the Dove and are available in the office.
Prayer and Candlelighting
Our weekly prayer sheet is located on a small table near the main church entrance. As you enter the church, you are invited to list on that sheet the names of anyone you wish to have specially included in our prayers during the morning service.
During most services there will be an opportunity to come forward to light a candle for a person or situation of concern to you. The rest of the congregation is invited to join in quiet prayer during this time.
Communion and Baptism
The Sacrament of Holy Communion is usually celebrated monthly. Everyone is welcome to participate. New volunteers are always welcome to participate as servers.
The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is celebrated throughout the year. Please call the church office for dates and workshops.
Coffee Time
What better way to end worship than with a time to visit with friends over a cup of coffee? Join us in Heritage Hall. The library, in the Solstice Room just across from the office, is usually open during this time.
How Can I Participate?
Contact the office and we will make sure you’re included wherever you wish to help out.
- Help with ushering
- Lay reader in Sunday worship
- Serve communion
- Participate in our ministry of music
- Help with the SundayJourney programme
- Place flowers – there is a signup sheet in the hall for anyone who would like to place flowers for a special occasion, memorial, or just because. Fresh flowers are especially welcomed during the summer months.