Welcome to Duncan United Church Youth Group

Duncan United Church youth group meets Friday nights during the school year for fun, friendship, and an awesome time!

Youth Groups

What is Youth Group?

  • get together and hang out with friends
  • a safe place to go
  • fun way of worshiping God
  • help to serve our church and community
  • meet new friends
  • it’s fun!

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to bring a friend! Sarah Prestwich coordinates our Children and Youth Ministry and may be contacted through the church office (746-6043) for further information about the groups or about the schedule of events. You can also check out our Facebook page to connect with DUC youth or on Instagram @duncanunitedyouth.

What Do You Do At Youth Group?

Anyone in Grades 4 to 12 can come to Duncan United Church youth group. This group is led by Sarah Prestwich and Casey Jones.

We play games together, have a snack and talk about things that are important to us. Some of our favourite activities are:

    • games, games, games! Like Wavey, Wavey and Sardines!
    • going swimming and bowling
    • learning about different faiths and current issues
    • helping with church events like pancake breakfasts, garage sales and Harvest Fair
    • going to Camp Pringle
    • Celebrating the Holidays at the BC Forest Discovery Centre

If you would like to join us at youth group, please fill out both pages of the registration form and bring it to a youth group meeting. We meet most Friday and some Sunday nights from 6 to 8:30 pm, so check out our Calendar of Events for what we’re up to.

Your Duncan United Church

Would you like to know more about our own church? Go to the Duncan United Church Home page to try some of these pages:

Our People, History, SundayJourney and Events

Here are some links to other websites that you may find interesting.

Camp Pringle– our United Church camp at Shawnigan Lake. Duncan United Church Youth Group gets together for a great weekend camp at Camp Pringle in early Spring – and – there are lots of other opportunities for young people to enjoy a camping experience at Spring Break and during the summer!

First Third Ministry – The Children and Youth Ministry of the United Church of Canada has lots of opportunities, events, and faith resources for Children, Youth, and Families, come check them out!