Try visiting some of these – lots of great information about our United Church – and much more!

United Church of Canada – The official website of the largest Protestant denomination in Canada. Who we are…. What we believe….
Pacific Mountain Region– The Pacific Mountain Regional Council (PMRC) is both a geographical region (covering BC, Yukon and the city of Banff AB) and a council of membership within The United Church of Canada (The UCC). It is one of 16 regional councils of The UCC, and is sometimes also referred to as Pacific Mountain Region (PMR).
Local Sites
George Pringle Memorial Camp – United Church residential camp for children, youth and families, located on the western shore of Shawnigan Lake. Camp Pringle offers spring break and summer camps for ages 8 and up as well as family camps. It is also available for workshops and retreats throughout the year.
University of Victoria Interfaith Chaplains Services – a multi-faith community seeking spiritual identity and learning. A United Church minister represents the faith community of the United Church on campus.
Provincial Sites
Naramata Centre of the United Church of Canada – Canada’s Largest Retreat and Experiential Learning Centre – located in the Okanagan Valley
Vancouver School of Theology – a multi-denominational institution of theological education, located adjacent to the University of British Columbia campus in Vancouver. The Iona Pacific Inter-Religious Centre for Social Action, Research and Contemplative Practice is the inter-religious and multi-cultural context for VST’s core work of preparing leaders for tomorrow’s world.
National Sites
The Centre for Christian Studies – A national theological school of the Anglican and United Churches, providing training for students on a path toward diaconal ministry, a ministry of compassion and justice-seeking grounded in the example of Jesus.
The United Church of Canada Foundation – helping generous people sustain The United Church of Canada, its congregations and its partners, in life and beyond. We grant funds to God’s works at home and abroad, help our donors create support for ministry and invest funds to create growing resources for God’s work year after year.
AOTS – As One That Serves – the men’s service club affiliated with the United Church of Canada, promoting Christian fellowship and and deepening the spiritual life of men while developing effective programs of Christian service.
United Church Observer – Broadview Magazine- the thought-provoking magazine which connects us nationally as a church family. Subscriptions are available through the church. Published 8 times per year.