Our Outreach

Social Justice

The Duncan United Church Social Justice and Outreach Team is guided by the values and philosophy of Micah 6:8 –

“..and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God”.

Projects from the past and present

·  Sponsorship of several Refugee families

·  Lobbying the Government for a Homeless Shelter – Warmland Sheltercross

·  Lobbying for access to health care in the valley for everyone – Walk in Clinic

·  Support patient-centered care – “Everybody’s Guide to Health Care”, a guide to supporting the rights of the patient in the working partnership with health care professionals, family and friends.

·  Our latest focus has been connecting with the elders of the Cowichan Tribes and learning about their ways  through the Cowichan 101 program held here at the church facilitated by Social Planning Cowichan.

Community Dinner

Each month on the third Sunday in Heritage Hall we serve a warm nutritious meal to approximately 100 people in our community. This dinner began over 17 years ago and is a huge support to those who struggle. Volunteers, prepare cook and serve the meal. It is a wonderful outreach to folks and gives us all a sense of community.

Meals on the Ground

A community run program through Cowichan Green Community held here at our church where meals are served three times a week to those living on the streets. Meals are provided by different groups and organizations in the community. Through donations from the Change for Change plate that goes out once a month, Duncan United provides one meal per month. Approximately 40 people are served a hot meal at these dinners.

Micah’s Meal

Every January, a simple lunch of chili and a bun following the service reminds us of those in our community who do not have enough. All proceeds go to our Outreach meals programs or to other organizations that feed those who are hungry. 

Third Place Cafe

Every Friday between 10 am and 11am people are welcome to stop by and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea along with some home baked goodies. A great place to join in some conversation and meet new folk. 

Third Place Cafe does close down for the months of July and August. 

Red Door Thrift Store

Our Thrift Store of gently used clothing and household items is open on Friday mornings 9:30 am til 1:30 pm.  Friendly volunteers work in the store sorting and selling the donated items.   Great items and great prices! 


Mandate of the Social Justice & Outreach

·  Increase understanding and promote collaboration for outreach and social justice issues at a local, national and international level.

·  Act as an umbrella group for all outreach programs in collaboration with the Mission and Service Committee at Duncan United Church.

Roles and Responsibilities

·  Retain clear communication between the Social Justice and Outreach Team and the Mission and Service Committee, the Unified Board and Ministerial Staff.

·  Encourage participation of people of all generations and from all walks of life in the work of the Social Justice and Outreach Team.

·  Build awareness of social justice issues in our church family and promote congregational activities that reach out to people in the world about us.

·  Take a leadership role in advocating social justice issues within the Cowichan community and    beyond.

·  Foster community partnerships.

·  Include components of world affairs in the work of the Social Justice and Outreach Team through organizations like Kairos.


·  Support the day-to-day activities of the church, e.g.,

·  Frozen meals, monthly dinner, vouchers, and sponsor advocacy initiatives.

·  Provide opportunities that increase awareness of outreach at the local, national and global levels, e.g., (bulletin board, speakers, facilitated events).

·  Participate in special events, encouraging community and ecumenical collaboration, e.g., World Food Day, Environment Sunday, Micah’s Meal and 10 Days for World Development.

·  Provide financial support to agencies and groups through allotted budgets and funds received from fund raising and special appeals, e.g., Cowichan Food Basket, advocacy work.

·  Collaborate with other groups and organizations in the community around outreach activities, e.g. churches, non-profits, individuals with interest and expertise in specific areas.

·  Participate in Presbytery and Conference social justice events.

·  Plan and coordinate time-limited projects, e.g. Refugee projects.

·  Report regularly to the congregation highlighting the work and concerns of the Social Justice and Outreach Team.




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