Tell Me About Duncan United Church
We are a part of the Pacific Mountain Region of the United Church of Canada. Our history in the Cowichan Valley dates from 1869. As a community of faith, it is our belief that we should live Christ’s message of unconditional love by embracing diversity in our congregation and community.
Do I have to join to attend?
As a community inclusive of diversity, all are welcome to join in worship, including the sacrament of communion. If you wish to formally join us there will be an opportunity about once a year to join by confirmation, profession of faith or transfer of membership – speak with the minister or the office. Our services can be enjoyed in person or through zoom or on our Youtube site. Links may be found on our Facebook page as well.
What happens on a Sunday morning?
Our Sunday worship begins at 10:00 am. Most folks begin to arrive around 9:40 and the coffee’s on if you wish to have a quick cup before the service.
Ramp access and parking is available on both Ingram and Jubilee Streets.
Members of our ushering team will greet you whether you enter on Ingram Street near the office or directly into the sanctuary at the corner of Ingram and Jubilee. Please introduce yourself and they will be happy to direct you and answer any questions.
You will receive the weekly bulletin which clearly outlines the order of our service and is available in large print. If you are hard of hearing, hearing amplification headsets are available
You will also be offered a copy of the “Dove”, a weekly chronicle of the life of our parish family – meetings, upcoming church and community events, joys, celebrations, concerns, information contacts. You can also find the Dove online or contact the office to receive it by email.
We can never get enough music! During our 10 minute pre-sing, enthusiastic voices rise alongside the chatting of friends greeting one another.
The service, usually about an hour, includes responsive liturgies, a time for children, scripture, a reflection, a time of prayer (with candlelighting available if you wish) and lots of music.
After the service, please join with us for refreshments in Heritage Hall. That’s the best way to get to know us – and for us to get to know you. And … sometimes there are other goodies, too, especially if there’s a birthday!
What about the children?
The children join with their families and the congregation in music and prayer during the first part of the service, then proceed to SundayJourney classes, where they begin to explore their faith through age-appropriate activities and discussion. A nursery (with speakers) is available, and if your child is more comfortable staying with you through the service, that’s fine too.
How does the offering work?
There is a collection plate at the entrance. There is a time in the service for dedication of our offerings and donations of our gifts which support the life and work of our church community. If you wish, you may place cash or a cheque in the offering plate, loose or in visitor envelopes which are provided in the pews. Include your name and address if you wish to receive an income tax receipt for your donation, and when you are ready, we encourage you to contact the office for information on options for regular donations. We also accept donations through our monthly PAR program, E-transfers and through Canada Helps on our home page of the website.
How about the rest of the week?
If you’ve ever dropped by, you’ll know that this church is buzzing – all the time! In addition to church activities, there are meetings and events sponsored by many diverse community groups. Watch the Dove and the website for information on events that might be of interest to you.
I still have more questions
Contact us! Email, phone or just come in. The office is open weekdays from 9 am to 12 noon. Linda will be happy to provide information, help you get in touch with ministerial staff, or put you in contact with the group that best fits your interests.