The Joy of Music!
Music offers us a joyful celebration of our faith – and Duncan United loves to celebrate! We are blessed to have several professional musicians in our congregation who generously share their talents and their love of music with our choral groups and the congregation.

Music in Worship
On Sunday morning, Mike Simkins leads our musical “pre-sing”, a joyful and welcoming preparation for worship.
During the service, the musical leadership of our Music Director, Connie Masson, guides us through the “not-so-well-known” as well as the well-loved favourites of the “Voices United” and “More Voices” hymnbooks. We’re often surprised by our hidden musical talents!
Garth Williams lends his exquisite violin accompaniment to hymns and other worship music, while Ruth Williams often assists with choral accompaniments.
Senior Choir
The choir welcomes all who love to sing as they prepare anthems in a variety of styles to share in worship. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings at 7:30.
Youth Choir
All youth of school age are invited to an informal practice most Sundays after church in the sanctuary. We meet for a short time, and share our music in Sunday worship when it is ready.
Special Musical Events
Our sanctuary, with its grand piano, provides a beautifully warm and inviting venue for small to medium size musical events and it is our privilege to share this space with our community. Each year, we welcome the vocal and instrumental classes of the Cowichan Music Festival and have been pleased to host the Medford Singers, the Cowichan Valley Community Band, Concenti Choirs, Cowichan Camerata Orchestra and Encore! Women’s Choir.
Our Organ

The pipe organ in the sanctuary at Duncan United was built in the 1920’s by the famous American firm of W. Kimball of Chicago. Originally purchased by First United in Victoria for their newly completed sanctuary, it was replaced in 1932, when it was purchased and donated to Duncan United by Mr. David Ford, Duncan’s postmaster. Installed in 1933 and moved to the new church in 1941, it is a testament to the builders that it is still in use today.
With two manuals and a pedal board, the organ “speaks” through 506 pipes, of which 30% are wood and 70% metal. The pipes visible on the front of the oak case are speaking pipes from the Open Diapason rank – what we think of as the basic pipe organ sound.
The keyboards are original but were recovered when an electric keyboard unit was installed in the 1960’s by Hugo Spilker of Victoria.