Saturday, December 21st 6:00 (Nativities & Labyrinth) & 7:00 (Service) p.m.
An evening of peaceful reflection, nativity scenes and labyrinth.
Worship on the Longest Night of the Year, December 21st, is rooted deeply in the traditions of many faiths, and was itself a part of the faith traditions that became a part of Christianity. Humans have always seen this time as Sacred, Holy and set apart. A time nested in the cusp of light and darkness.
Humans have gathered on the longest night to share fear and loss and loneliness in the company of others who offer support, care and common feeling. Even though the night will end in a new and longer day, we pause to pay homage to our lost ones, to do right by our memorable loves before entering into the cultural celebrations of the season.
A short worship service acknowledges our common aches, while time spent walking the labyrinth takes us into reflection and out to the world. The nativity scenes surrounding the labyrinth come from many places and remind us that the love of the child to be born again at Christmas brings hope and promise to hearts and souls from across the globe.
Please join us for a night of worship, contemplation and promise.
Longest Night Blue Christmas Service
Duncan United Church